A successful digitisation strategy of the Canton of Aargau
In the Canton of Aargau, financing applications for training are processed completely digitised via the scholarship portal of AKROS AG and Zoom Informatik GmbH. From the scholarship application to communication with the department to the decision and the disbursement, the entire process takes place online in the scholarship portal web application. The modern application, which is geared towards user experience, is accessible to users at any time via the PC or mobile phone and is fully integrated into the existing system landscape.
The customers of the Canton of Aargau expect that they can apply for and manage their scholarships or loans in an intuitive manner. The application therefore had to give them a low-threshold approach and be fully integrated into the existing system landscape. Overall, the entire business process should be processed paperless, independent of time, location and equipment. In order to enable future further developments, the application had to correspond to the state of the art and be easily adaptable.
The scholarship portal presents itself as an intuitive, modern and obstacle-free application. After logging in via the cantonal citizens' account of the canton of Aargau, a scholarship can be applied for via an interactive form and supplements can be uploaded to the department. The chat function allows direct contact to the specialist department including the exchange of documents. Decisions and payment details can be viewed on the portal at any time.
The development of the portal was done step by step in iterations based on Scrum. The continuous survey of requirements, continuously considering the user experience, was a key success factor. A microservice architecture and a layout of an application front end and backend formed the basis for the software.
Programming languages
C, JavaScript
Frameworks, databases, tools
CÃ .NET 5, EF Core, RestSharp, Polly, MediatR, Ocelot, Consul
(Service Discovery), xUnit, Typescript, React, Redux, OpenID connect, Docker, SQL Server 2019
Development methodology
Project management,
Azure DevOps
Procedure methodology
Agile software development with Scrum